rent pitch electricity water dranage access to parc

Sustainable development policy

Sustainable development policy

We have decided to commit Le Petit Trianon to a sustainable development policy to minimize the environmental impact of the campsite as much as possible.

As a LPO (Bird Protection League) Refuge, we renew our agreement with the League for the Protection of Birds every year. Our commitment to this recognized association aims to improve biodiversity on our site. This means that we follow the principles of the LPO Refuge charter and that we protect birds but also insects and plants.

An approach that is implemented in several ways including:

Ecological management of the land: no chemicals or pesticides,

Reasonable and respectful maintenance of trees and vegetation,

Protection of bird nesting sites,

Optimization of natural resources and water,

Our respectful practices

The water in the swimming pools is heated by a heat pump. There are therefore no greenhouse gases,

We use water savers on the taps,

We replace each light bulb with an energy-saving light bulb,

green spaces are maintained without pesticides,

Green waste is used to produce compost,

80% of the wood chips from pruning our trees are reused as mulch for the campsite flowerbeds,

Our staff use electric carts to get around the campsite,

We avoid printing documents as much as possible by favoring digital and our documents are printed on recycled paper,

Our team practices selective sorting daily,

In the parking lot outside the campsite, trash cans and sorting containers are made available to our campers for a respectful practice.

Some advice

 Don’t waste water, it is drinkable throughout the campsite. Turn off the taps. Don’t let water run unnecessarily,

    Use your containers (glass bottles/flasks) at the water fountain,

    Turn off your lights when you leave a room, your rental, your location… Turn off the light on your terrace before going to bed. Do not leave appliances on standby unnecessarily,

    Close doors and windows securely when using the heating,

    Do not light campfires, they are prohibited,

    Sort your waste – 3 sorting bags are available in each rental. The sorting area is located at one of the campsite entrances.